Privacy of Residents
The care worker recognises the right of Residents to be left alone, undisturbed and free from intrusion and public attention. The Resident also has a right to privacy with regard to both their personal affairs and their belongings. Written permission will be sought for access to Residents’ records. All staff adopt a “knock before entry” approach before entering a Residents room.
Confidentiality of Information
The Resident’s rights to confidentiality must be safeguarded. The care worker will not disclose any personal information about Residents to a third party unless this has been agreed with the Resident concerned. Agreement to disclose information should only be sought if this is for the benefit of the Resident, e.g. for the purpose of assisting in their care.
Access to Information
Every Resident has a right to information about the objectives of their care and a detailed explanation of the service being offered.
The care worker will not discriminate against Residents on the grounds of race, nationality, language, gender, religion and beliefs, age, sex or sexual orientation or social standing. The care team must not discriminate between Residents who pay directly for their service and those who do not.