The first step is to visit our organisation with your principal carers or friends to look around and be introduced to our Residents and staff. The Registered Manager or one of our senior staff members will be very pleased to provide transport and an escort for a visit if you telephone the home to ask. The Registered Manager will discuss with you your individual requirements and the range of Services we are able to provide at Delaheys Nursing Care Home. This process will be formalised into an assessment of your needs, which should form the basis for a decision by both you and the home as to whether admission to the home is appropriate. In common with all records regarding Residents, the assessment(s) will be made with your full knowledge, your co-operation, and the records will be shown to you and be available to you at any time.
If you are assessed as a nursing Resident, you will be allocated a Key Worker Care Assistant who will help you with your individual personal and recreational needs, and a Named Nurse who will support you with your nursing needs.
The Registered Manager or one of our team will visit you in your home, or in hospital if necessary, and will document a pre-admission assessment with you. This initial set of information will form part of your Care Plan which illustrates and reviews how your family and our staff gain understanding of how we can use our skills for an overall improvement to your health and wellbeing.
If you have any questions please discuss them with Matron or the Nurse-in-Charge, who will both be very happy to answer any questions. The home manages pre-admission and admission according to a detailed Policy and Procedure, a copy of which is available within the home and on request.